Everyone has a personal history tied to life’s ups and downs. We also have a credit history, which is tied to the life timeline. Regardless of the reason for a downturn in life, the economic part of life always takes a hit. This website is created to better serve consumers who are seeking help to maximize their credit scores and core personal finances.
Credit Repair is a process in which consumers take action to improve their credit. The consumer can engage in Credit Repair OR consumers can hire a company to assist them with the process. Minimal Credit Repair often involves only the removal of negative data from credit reports. TCS believes Credit Repair should consist of a more comprehensive approach that removes negative data, settles debts, and builds credit.
Today’s Credit Solutions believes the Credit Repair Process should consist of the following steps:
- Confront credit reports and personal finances.
- Remove unverifiable negative information from credit reports.
- Insure unverifiable negative data stays off the credit reports.
- BUILD credit the right way, using a long-term focus with specific accounts.
- Settle negative valid bad debts. Eliminate red flags the best you can.
Finding a happy medium between removing negative accounts and settling valid debts is crucial for maximizing credit in the short and long term.
The Credit Repair industry gets a lot of bad press, often in media outlets that do not understand the system or are being influenced by organizations that have a stake in making sure consumers don’t improve their credit scores. Consumers are getting smarter and not falling for the media’s tricks. When a financial crisis occurs, personal credit takes a hit. American consumers will always seek to maximize their credit and their legal rights.
Even though Credit Repair is a legal process, consumers must be savvy about whom they do business with. As in any other profession, some people do what they say and others are in it to make a quick buck at other people’s expense. When seeking professional help with Credit Repair, make sure you are comfortable, educated, and working with a company that delivers results. If surprises pop up or the process doesn’t unfold as it was explained, take the initiative to get a refund and/or file a complaint with the FTC/BBB. Stay away from disreputable companies that tell you to do blatantly illegal things such as “Create a tax ID number and use that as your SS# = “start fresh.”
Credit Repair is like anything else: it requires some hard work and investment. If you’ve had personal problems that have put you in a hole, accept that you made some mistakes and move forward in a positive direction. Don’t utilize Credit Repair (removal process) to continue to be financially irresponsible; utilize it to get your life back on track. People who utilize it correctly will ultimately be successful. The consumers who utilize the removal process to run from their problems will likely remain in our database forever; as much as we appreciate revenue, even we don’t want that.
Today’s Credit Solutions promotes what is right for America. We provide a trusted and guaranteed formula for hard-working people. We are driven to make transactions easier and cheaper. TCS always supports fair and accurate reporting, whether in credit or media reports.