
Everything in the world involves a contract and/or a transaction.  Credit reports and scores help transaction and job underwriters’ measure risk for their investors.   The sole purpose of credit repair, and what we call Credit Maximization, is to enhance core personal financial transactions and deliver savings to consumers.

Over the past few years, Today’s Credit Solutions has been using the terms “winning” and “losing” when addressing financial transactions.  Here is what we mean:

Consumer Confidence Consumer Uncertainty & Fear
Seamless Approval Initial & Multiple Declines
$0 – Fair Upfront Costs (Down Payment-Deposit) High Upfront Costs (Down Payment-Deposit)
Negotiable Terms Non Negotiable Terms
Zero to Minimal Underwriting Stipulations Multiple Underwriting Stipulations
Low Interest Rate & Fees Mid – High Interest Rate & Fees
Average to Short Term (Loan Life) Extended Term (Loan Life)
Maximum Savings Wasted Earnings
Minimal Inquiries (Credit Checks) Multiple Inquiries (Credit Checks)
Reports to All 3 Credit Bureaus Doesn’t Report or only Reports to 1 or 2 Credit Bureaus

Consumers should make maximizing their credit reports and scores a top priority.

This preparation includes ensuring that credit cards are reporting $0 balances to Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion before your credit check is generated for specific financial transactions.

Automotive Financing:  Credit Maximization is especially salient for automotive loans.  The number of losing automotive transactions in the marketplace, primarily caused by a  lack of preparation, is astonishing.  Millions of consumers could attain lower interest rates and shorter loan terms simply by preparing their credit reports properly.

Purchasing a car is probably the most common and costly impulse buy on the planet, a fact that suggests most consumers are not fully prepared for the transaction.  Because they often make hasty, uninformed decisions and succumb to dealership sales tactics, many consumers start (or continue) a vicious cycle of losing automotive transactions.

The worst financial transactions in the world involve depreciating assets that have high interest rates and extended loan terms.  Consumers always remain upside down in these transactions, which means they owe more than the asset is worth.  To achieve financial security, it is imperative that you avoid or work to reverse these types of transactions.

Mortgage Financing:  Credit Maximization and transaction preparation are critical elements when buying or refinancing a home.  Many different programs and guidelines are available.  Resolving credit red flags and applying the right credit repair tactics to meet lending requirements are essential to improving your financial prospects.

Although most Loan Officers and Mortgage Brokers help consumers with their biggest financial investment, the industry is exceptionally transactional, with client retention ratios sinking well below the norm.  These trends leave most consumers in the dark about their short and long-term credit strength, and of course how to prepare for their transactions

When working with Today’s Credit Solutions, you get the methods and specific advice you need to accomplish your goals and generate winning financial transaction strategies.